Masthead Peoples Gas

Safe Tree-Planting Checklist

If someone you know wants to plant a tree, use this checklist to help make sure it will grow a safe distance from power lines. Print this checklist and write answers in the lines provided.

checkboxWhere do you want to plant a tree? _______________________________________________

checkboxWhat specific type of tree do you want to plant? _____________________________

checkboxHow tall will the tree be when it is fully grown? ________ feet tall
How wide will its branches stretch?
________ feet wide (Call a local nursery if you are not sure.)

checkboxWill the tree come within 10 feet of high-voltage power lines when it is fully grown? ________ If yes, consider a smaller tree or a different spot. Trees close to power lines are dangerous!

checkboxWill the tree or shrub come within 3 feet of the sides or back of, or 10 feet in front of, a pad-mounted transformer? ________ If yes, reposition the tree so that it has these clearances at full growth, or choose a different location.

checkboxWill the tree or shrub come within 3 feet of the sides or back of, or 10 feet in front of, a pad-mounted transformer? ________ If yes, reposition the tree so that it has these clearances at full growth, or choose a different location.

checkboxBefore planting your tree, call 811 to make sure you won't contact underground power lines or other buried utilities when you dig. The service is free.”

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